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Bath and Wells MAT

Our Governors

St John & St Francis Church School have a strong and extremely effective Board of Governors, also known as the Governing Committee. Their role is to work closely with the Headteacher and staff to shape the future of the school. The Board also decides the priorities that will help staff to raise academic standards and determine how the school will best spend its money to achieve its aims.

Members come from a wide range of backgrounds including parent and staff governors. It is an exciting and interesting role for anyone who is keen to be part of the the management team. The Board welcome inquiries from any parent interested in becoming a governor: 

If you would like to speak to one of our Governors, or request a paper copy of our Meeting Minutes, please contact Clerk to the Governors, via the school office email; enquiries@sjsf.bwmat.org or St John & St Francis Church School, Westonzoyland Road, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 5BP.

Please click on our photographs to read a bit more about us:

Our Governors


Governors (ID 1031)

  • Mr Chris Moore
    Chair of Governors/Foundation Governor/Admission Panel
  • Mrs Jenny Venning
    Executive Head
  • Mrs Tamar Warner
    Head of School & Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • Major Yvonne Rouffet
    Foundation Governor
  • Miss Melissa Bryant
    Staff Governor/Admission Panel
  • Revd Catherine Carlyon
    Vice Chair/Foundation Governor
  • Miss Laura Jones
    Foundation Governor
  • Mr Sebastian Wallace
    MAT Appointed Governor/Safeguarding Link
  • Mrs Kimberley Parkin
    MAT Appointed Governor



links for governance jan 2018.pdf

 Governor Code of Conduct:

governor code of conduct.pdf