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Bath and Wells MAT

Oracy-Voice 21


 St John and St Francis Church School are a ‘Voice 21’ oracy school.

Our Voice 21 School Lead is: Tamar Warner​ (Head of School, Curriculum Lead and DSL)

Our Voice 21 Oracy Champions are: Kim Shanahan (Year 6 Teacher/Year 5 & 6 Phase Lead and English Lead) and Lee Butt​ (EYFS Teacher & EYFS/KS1 Phase Lead and English Lead)


Our vision for oracy is that every child at St John and St Francis will leave our school being confident, articulate and respectful speakers and listeners who can verbalise their feelings, engage in purposeful dialogue and know their views matter in today’s society. ​

Why oracy?

Oracy in action:

December 2023

As part of their Geography learning, Year 6 have been learning all about Climate Change; the causes, the effects and what can be done do reduce it. The learning has definitely been cross curricular: the children did research and created power points on the subject in computing; they designed and made their own working wind turbine in DT (where they also had to use their knowledge of electrical circuits from last term's Science learning); they wrote persuasive speeches about the use of plastic and plastic pollution in English; and finally they used their Oracy skills to bring everything together in a Climate Change Conference for parents. The children presented their power points, speeches and wind turbines using the oracy skills they have learnt- gesture, voice projection and intonation, expression, body language and the use of eye contact and engaging the audience. The conference was a great success. 

One parent commented: 'I would like to let you know how much I enjoyed the year 6 climate change conference. The talkers were excellent, very clear, love the expressions and you could really see how much work each child had put into their projects and how much they were enjoying the subject. Well done to all, thank you for sharing with us.'

September 2023

As part of their English unit (instructions) our Year 3's have made a brilliant start to this academic year using their oracy skills to explain to our Year 1's how to make a mask. The Year 1 children used great listening skills and the Year 3's used clear, sequential instructions in order for the Year 1's to successfully make their masks. Well done Year 1 and Year 3.