History at St John and St Francis Church School
History Lead – Mrs Julie Hart
At St John and St Francis Primary School, we are historians! We want our children to love History. We want our children to remember their history lessons in our school and to share our excitement for the subject, progressing their knowledge and skills each year.
At St John and St Francis Church School our history curriculum begins in the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) where children will begin their understanding of History through sequencing past and present events and studying the world around them – their family and society. As children move through the school, they will show their understanding of the historical topic they are currently studying by labelling it on a timeline which moves with them through the year groups and will show all previous topics they have studied. Children will also learn about the impact events can have on each other.
In History, pupils are encouraged to question their understanding of the past allowing them to enjoy all that History has to offer. Using artefacts, workshops and exciting trips, pupils gain an in-depth understanding of momentous events in World History as well as appreciating how things change over time. At St John and St Francis Church School, we want children to be excited and curious in the world around them!
In History, we assess using the key skills and knowledge that have been outlined in each unit of learning through the knowledge organiser. This can be in the form of a unit quiz, starter questions at the beginning of each lesson, through oracy, including pupil conferencing or 4-from before questions. This ensures that any gaps are identified and revisited accordingly. Teachers record unit assessments on our school system (Scholarpack) in order to inform future teaching and learning.